Employee to Flipper: A Tale Of Awareness

3 min readAug 27, 2020

Who Is The Casual Flipper?

Hey! I’m Chris. I’ve created an alternative ego of sorts. My online presence is under the name “The Casual Flipper”. I resell on Amazon & eBay. I wanted to offer you some insight to better understand me as a human. We don’t very often get the chance to learn about the ones we follow.

We’ll Start Here.

1.Origin Story

Fredericton, NB

Canadian, grew up In Nova Scotia. Born in Fredericton New Brunswick. Normal childhood never wanted for much. Typical struggles with body image insecurities growing up, often singled out and teased because of my fiery gingerness. That phase passed pretty quick and I learned how to become invisible in high school. Well, as invisible as lanky ginger can be. Grades were never great, averaged between 65–70%. Absolutely awful at mental math. Embarrassingly bad.

Felt pressure to pursue education directly out of high school, luckily I went to community college which is a much lesser commitment in terms of time and financial resources. If nothing else at school I learned about myself. I completed 1 program and dropped out of another. Between the ages of 18 and now 29 I’ve dabbled in a ton of hobbies and jobs which for a while I thought there was something wrong with me, but I realize it was an absolute blessing. The self-awareness that comes with trying new things is eye-opening. After some time, you can truly start to know when something clicks.

My Grandfather And I when I was 13

I ultimately found real comfort in sales. It was the first thing I truly excelled at. However, over time I started noticing I always wanted more, growth became super important to me. And it somehow manifested its self into a minor struggle with direct supervisors. I learned, that I love being the captain of my ship. I just never had a vessel. So, when I discovered that Amazon was a thing you can sell on and do very well it certainly caught my attention. It’s put me into the driver’s seat, head first. Navigating the murky waters to the best of my ability. I honestly don’t know where it leads to from here but I’m awfully happy it happened.

2. Motivation

Like most, I’m motivated by the future. But I’m learning to appreciate the present. Being fairly new in the reselling world, I know the potential and I’m very motivated to prove my abilities and give myself and family a truly fulfilling life. I’m motivated by the prospect I could potentially someday employ people around me. I could pay for the dinners, and maybe get a Tesla if it’s in the budget. I’m not motivated by making millions and working from a beach, that doesn’t appeal to me. I want to be comfortable, save for my future and build something tangible.

3. Values

We all have values, most of us just aren’t aware of what they are or how they manifest themselves in everyday life. They (should) determine your priorities, and, deep down, they’re probably the measures you use to tell if your life is turning out the way you want it to.

It takes a great deal of self-awareness and reflecting to get to the core of your values. Sometimes you may even waiver for a time on them, and this often leads to unhappiness.

Values can change over time as well.

Core Values:


I hope you discovered what you’re looking for in this article. The internet is a crazy place, and we never really get to know the people we follow. If you’ve read this article you probably know me better than 80% of the people around me. I appreciate your support and I hope to hear from you soon.


Chris Lyons

The Casual Flipper


Google: https://tinyurl.com/usl595k
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/utcu8qf


